- Czech private company having the branch office in Slovakia
- Created in 1994
- Joint-venture with Rhone-Poulenc (Rhone-Poulenc Agro Aliance) in the period 1995-2000
- Involved in Agro business
- AGLUKON, Germany (foliar fertilisers)
- AGM, Italy (foliar fertilizers)
- AGRONUTRITION, France (microgranulated and foliar fertilizers)
- AGROSTULLN, Germany (sulphur)
- ALBAUGH, UK (klomazon, glyphosat)
- BASF SE, Germany (boskalid, dimethenamid-P, chinmerak, metrafenon, pyrimethanil)
- BAYER CROPSCIENCE, Germany (phenmediphan, ethofumesat, tebukonazol, foramsulfuron, amidosulfuron)
- CERTIS BELCHIM, Japonsko (cymoxanil)
- QEMETICA, Poland (glyphosat)
- DE SANGOSSE, France (metaldehyd, lecitin, carboxylated styrene butadiene copolymer, ferric phosphate)
- FINCHIMICA, Italy (pendimethalin, metkonazol)
- GLOBACHEM, Belgium (difenokonazol, mesotrion, lambda-cyhalothrin, propamokarb)
- GOWAN, USA (tetrakonazol, kiralaxyl, copper, deltamethrin, zoxamid)
- NUFARM, Austria (ethefon, chlortoluron, CCC, glyphosat, MCPA)
- SHARDA Cropchem Limited, India (chizalofop-P-ethyl, tribenuron-methyl, trinexapak-ethyl, prothiokonazol, tebukonazol)
- UPL Holdings Cooperatief U.A., Nizozemí (azoxystrobin, napropamid, phenmediphan, ethofumesat, metamitron, diflufenikan, flufenacet, chizalofop-P-tefuryl, carboxylated styrene butadiene copolymer)
Customers of Agro Aliance
- 40 Czech and 25 Slovak companies operating on distribution of pesticides, fertilisers
- All together 19 employees
- 7 in the Czech Republic and 4 in Slovakia – all Graduated from the Agro University in Prague or Nitra
- All of them worked for international firms